Date: 211-215 by flight GE6001/GE6002
Partner: Three Persons
Transportation: TUK TUK
Accommodation: Golden Temple Villa and Somadevi Angkor Hotel & Spa
2/12Angkor Wat Sunraise
1st Day-
Arrival at noon→Golden Temple Villa for a break→Tonle Sap in the afternoon→Khmer Kitchen Restaurant for dinner

2nd Day-
Angkor Wat for sun raise→Banteay Srei→East Mebon→Ta Som→Neak Pean→roadside stand for lunch and a break→Preah Khan→North Gate→Terrace of the Leper King→Terrace of the Elephants→South Gate→Phnom Bakeng for sun set→In touch at bar street of old market for dinner

3rd Day-
Angkor wat→Bayon→Baphuon→Royal Palace→Phimeanakas→Ta Prohm restaurant for lunch→Banteay Kdei→Ta Prohm→Takeo→Golden Temple Villa for check out→Somadevi Angkor Hotel & Spa for check in→Massage→Khmer kitchen Restaurant for dineer again→night market

4th Day-
Beng Mealea(two-hours journey by tuk tuk)→restaurant for lunch→Rolous→Angkor wat for final review→Temple restaurant for dinner→Massage in Boutique spa→night market

5th Day-
Breakfast in Somadevi→check out→Siem Reap Airport at noon→back to Taiwan at PM4:10


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